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Facilitated Risk Assessment

Although the risk assessment process can be done as a self-assessment, there is a facilitated service available for any Units that would like assistance from the OIT Security Risk and Compliance team.

If interested in this service, please submit a Security Risk and Compliance Service Request and choose “Facilitated Risk Assessment“.


The following is a general outline of the Facilitated Security Risk Assessment experience:


Responsibilities and Expectations during the service include:

OIT Security Risk and Compliance Customer
  • Explain general security policy, standards, requirements, principles, and best practices
  • Explain and facilitate the risk assessment processes
  • Answer questions about security terminology in plain English
  • When possible – help provide templates, examples, and refer people to external domain-specific resources
  • Read documentation and training resources provided
  • Learn how to apply the general security requirements to your domain/SME
  • Don’t wait for perfection to make progress, attempt your best effort, ask questions, use services that are available, make incremental progress, report roadblocks
  • Don’t mix identifying risk with worrying about how or who to fix it. Identify -> prioritize -> plan -> remediate, as separate tasks without each influencing the other