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UC Irvine Certificate Service

UC Irvine is participating in the InCommon Certificate program, which allows delegated administrators in campus departments to issue and renew digital certificates used for such purposes as securing web servers run on behalf of their department.  Through the InCommon Certificate program, UC Irvine pays a site fee (sponsored by OIT), and is then entitled to issue unlimited digital certificates through Comodo, a well-established commercial Certificate Authority. More information about this program is available at https://incommon.org/certificates/.



Allows campus units to “freely” issue unlimited trusted SSL/TLS certificates for campus services. It will allow us to centralize obtaining certificates in a standardized way, centralize reporting and notifications on when they are expiring, remove the need to generate untrusted self-signed certificates, no longer propagate the insecure mindset of users ignoring certificate warnings in web browsers, and in the long run cut costs that the campus as a whole spends annually on SSL/TLS certificates.


Available Certificate Types

The InCommon Certificate Service makes the following products available for up to a 1-year expiration term:

  • Standard SSL/TLS Certificates
  • Intranet (private network) Certificates
  • Multi-Host SAN (Subject Alternative Name) Certificates
  • EV (Extended Validation) Certificates by special request




Campus Contacts

If your department/school is not listed and you want to use the service, have your IT Director contact security@uci.edu to get started.


Department/School Contact
Calit2 Chris Battista
Campus Recreation Suzanne Powell
Claire Trevor School of the Arts Christopher Wong
Jamison E Judd
Division of Continuing Education Alvaro Duran
Chris Harvie
Eugene Chow
Toan Chu
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences Du Tran
Vipada Deleon
School of Biological Sciences Eric Sanchez
Matthew Martinez
Henry Samueli School of Engineering Dan Melzer
John Romine
Humanities Research Institute Diane Monchusap
Libraries Ashley Burke
Archana Chaudhri
Brandon Emlinger
Yasuhiro Shinohara
Office of Information Technology Refer to https://uci.atlassian.net/wiki/x/99cNB
Paul Merage School of Business Bryan Hua
Gary Striano
School of Education Hyuk Min Kang
Rhett Lowe
Spenser Clark
School of Humanities Stan Woo-Sam
Wylie Visconti
School of Law David Ogasawara
Patty Furukawa
School of Medicine Ron Pulido
Joseph (Wu) Fu
School of Physical Sciences Nathan Crawford
Pyisone Win
Tory Graziano
School of Social Ecology Jennifer Lane
Louis Tran
School of Social Sciences Dominic Fiorello
Henry Yen
Jonathan Nilsson
Justin Park
Strategic Communications Jim Kreuziger
Student Government Aaron Echols
UCI Health Systems Gabriel Gracia
Thomas Wen